Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tiyuls Tiyuls Tiyuls

hi. :) its thursday after class. ill explain what has happened since last time i wrote, tuesday we went to Tzfat, we went to a sephartic synoguage it was very different then any other synoguage i have ever been to before.  Everyone was facing eachother and sat around a beema in the middle where im guessing the Rabbi would have led a service.  The circular room design is symbolic for community.  Other than that on our trip we did a lot of shopping, i bought some presents for people. :) 
Yesterday (Wednesday) we went around Jerusalem, we visited this place, im not sure what is it called in hebrew but in english it is lifeline for the old.  It is elderly immigrants working on many arts and crafts projects.  It was so inspirational and amazing, these people who are at least 60 years older doing really detailed work on pictures, cards, tallet, blankets, stuffed animals and many other things.  Its a mitzvah to buy something, so of course i spent more of my money. i bought a stuffed animal purple and orange elephant. Its amazing that i saw the people working on one just like that right in the other room.  After we went to a soup kitchen to volunteer, and unlike i expected we ended up cleaning the back warehouse, it was still a nice thing for us to do.  Then we handed out bags with full of food and drinks to people sitting outside waiting to recieve there meal for the day.   Then we went to a park and ate our lunch, after we went to a scrib who ended up being cousins with Rabbi Segel *if any of you know who that is*.  We unrolled an old torah that he was getting ready to repare and looked at it, he estimated that it was from the late 18th century.  We then learned things about the letters which i never knew before.
well i have to go to class now. :) ill write later. but for a heads up, this weekend we will all be in Jerusalem.
<3 Roxy 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Roxanne, it mom's friend Lisa in Florida. Sounds like you're having quite the experience! I remember when mom went a gazillion years ago! Have more fun and I'll see you soon.
